Letter to the editor: City has been hijacked
To the editor:
I’m very disappointed in the direction Lawrence is headed. I have always considered myself to be fiscally conservative but moderately liberal socially. What I see today is a fiscally irresponsible government whose leaders spend a majority of their time spewing out meaningless social edicts that have nothing to do with the business of running our city. Instead of addressing serious issues like what we can do to benefit from the billion dollars, or so, being spent just to our East, we are passing meaningless and embarrassing laws about dreadlocks. This homeless situation has made us the laughing stock of the Midwest, and I heard last night, even Mexico.
You can’t keep raising taxes and diverting hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars of taxpayer money away from needed infrastructure repairs to recruit, house and feed homeless people and not expect consequences. You finally figured out how to fill up the buses. The people who actually pay for taxes are getting pretty restless.
My observation is that the very vocal and militant far left has effectively silenced anyone who disagrees with them and has successfully hijacked the entire city. The groups I hang with are hoping Mike Dever will return some degree of sanity to your bunch.
Chris Chapin,